In a grim turn of events, the town of Mosquera, Cundinamarca, became the site of the 94th massacre in 2023, leaving three men from the same family brutally murdered. The lifeless bodies were discovered at the Santa Marta estate in the rural area of San Francisco. As investigators delved into the details, the identities of the victims have now been unveiled.
The victims are Jorge Elkin GarcĂa Pacheco, aged 40; Carlos Eduardo LĂłpez Pineda, aged 28; and Cristian David Cotacio Muñoz, aged 20. Their bodies bore the grim evidence of multiple wounds inflicted by sharp-edged weapons.
A distressed relative, speaking to El Tiempo’s Investigative Unit, disclosed that the family had lost contact with the victims since December 23. “They had been missing since Saturday, and this is the moment they found them, but we still don’t know what happened to them. They lived in this area. All we ask for is justice because, at this point, they haven’t even let us see them; we don’t know what happened,” lamented the family member.
It was revealed that Cotacio Muñoz, the youngest among the victims, worked as a farmer and received his education at the Roberto Velandia school. Those close to him affirmed that he had no known disputes with anyone. Ongoing investigations have also uncovered the young man’s social media activity and communication with a woman. As the community grapples with this heinous act, questions surrounding the motive and perpetrators of the Mosquera massacre remain unanswered.