In a devastating incident marking the beginning of the year, a horrifying massacre unfolded in the La Hormiga area of Putumayo, Colombia. On January 8th, 2023, three lives were lost inside a local billiard hall, as reported by the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz). The organization revealed that armed assailants forcibly entered the establishment, ruthlessly targeting those present.
The victims, all men, included one identified as Deimer Rosario. Indepaz emphasized the gravity of the location, pointing out the presence of the ‘Carolina RamĂrez’ faction of the Central Military High Command—a significant dissident group originating from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Additionally, the Second Marquetalia, another dissident group, and local criminal organizations exert their influence in the area.
Indepaz’s report, released at the end of December, starkly illuminated the persistent violence that plagued Colombia throughout the preceding year. Despite marginal decreases in some instances, the nation continued to grapple with alarming rates of killings targeting human rights defenders, signatories of the peace agreement, forced displacements, and massacres. The tragic incident in Putumayo serves as a stark reminder of the formidable challenges facing the nation in its pursuit of peace and security.